Thursday, February 10, 2011

What to Expect in 2011...

Hello everyone! This will be the first of a quarterly newsletter I am writing. I hope you enjoy! 

First I would like to say Thank You! to everyone who has supported and followed me in my first year of business. Obviously, I could not have done this without you all, & the moral support I have received has helped me tremendously as well. We all had a lot of fun and learned a lot too! I am very excited about what we will accomplish in 2011! 

What is new to 2011?

We are now offering Boudoir photo sessions! These are very fun and exciting photo shoots for the ladies! Bring some friends and have a good time taking sexy pictures for your man or yourself while having fresh strawberries and cocktails! Right now we are running a February special that includes a 3x3 accordion book, drinks, and strawberries for  
only $75! 
However, if you bring friends, everyone saves $10!!! 
So, if you would like some information, or want to schedule a party with your friends, let me know by emailing me at or look me up on facebook.

My New Year's Resolution.... well sort of.

In an attempt to expand my photography skills, I decided to join a flickr group in hopes of finding inspiration and learning new photography techniques. A group called MCP Project 52 was created for photographers amateur or professional to enter a weekly photo focusing on a different theme each week. Check out the website , you can view the rules and entries. 

I am entering a photo weekly and I may call upon some of you to help me with a picture or two! The awesome part is that different photographers from around the world choose a list of the top 10 pictures from the week to post on the MCP blog. Maybe I will be featured one day!!

Here are my entries so far for this year. 

Week 3 of 52 (I started late) 
Theme: shades of gray

Week 4 of 52
Theme: Soothing Repetition
Week 5 of 52
Theme: Muse


Week 6 of 52
Theme: Words

Feel free to leave a comment. Constructive criticism is always welcomed or love notes :o)


I would like to start this year off with a great contest!  
Photo of the Year for 2010!! 
I will be selecting my favorite images from this past year. All photo sessions taken in the year 2010 are eligible and one photo will be selected by me to be entered into the contest. The winner will be the photo with the most votes and will receive a free 8x10 of the entered photograph. There will also be an additional winner of a voter whom I will select randomly that will win a 1 hour photo shoot & 8x10. The contest will start next Monday February 14th and end the last day of February. More information and rules will be posted Monday. Keep an eye out for this exciting news!!

Now offering a SENIOR Special!!
The school year is coming to an end... even though it doesn't seem that way with all the snow!!
I know several of you have kids graduating high school this year, so Listen up!!
We are offering a Senior Special to help capture the true spirit of your graduating teen.  From now until the end of February, we are offering 20% off when you book your Senior Session. This can be for those graduating 2011 OR 2012! Act fast! I am only booking 5 seniors for this special. Email, facebook me, or call for more information and pricing.

Featured Photo: Cutest moment so far for this year...

Periodically I plan on posting some of my favorite photos as the year progresses. I would like to introduce you to Allie Grace {2 months}. She is just the cutest little girl with beautiful blue eyes and chubby little Here is my favorite image so far this year. Isn't she just precious :o)

That's all Folks!

Thank you for reading my first newsletter! I look forward to helping everyone capture their own Cherished Moments in this upcoming year! 
God Bless!!!

Cristina Kelly


  1. I LOVE Week 6 of 52
    Theme: Words!!!!!!
    Such a cute idea and such a cute subject! I pray you are featured!

  2. I subscribed and am voting for picture 27 and i am Michele Trine

  3. :) I like week 3 of 52
    ...You need a "Like" button on your newsletter!!



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